Call of Duty Players Express Discontent Over The Boys' Characters' Overpowered Abilities

  • 16-07-2023 |
  • Christopher Jones

As the crossover event between Call of Duty (CoD) and The Boys gains momentum, mixed reactions have emerged from players. The bundles featuring Starlight and Homelander are already accessible, with Black Noir's bundle expected to be available by Thursday. Nevertheless, the aesthetic metamorphosis into characters from The Seven isn't the crux of the issue for CoD's gamers - the real concern lies with their supernatural abilities.

The bundles, purchasable to transform into your favorite The Boys characters in Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone, come with superpowers available through Temp-V field upgrades. Among these is Homelander's laser vision - a power that has left many players unhappy. This upgrade, accessible to all, makes the player practically invincible, causing mayhem and discontent within the player community.

The impact of these powers is best demonstrated in one of the clips doing rounds online. In this clip, a player stumbles upon an opponent who, under normal circumstances, would have easily outmatched him. But with the Homelander's laser vision upgrade, the player hovers a few feet off the ground and blasts their opponent to oblivion with a quick burst of light from his face, leaving nothing but a smear of blood and a few severed limbs. It’s a brutal sight, reminiscent of scenes from The Boys, and players are not taking it lightly.

And it's not just Homelander's laser vision that's causing a stir. Other superpowers inspired by The Boys, such as the Charge Jump and Teleport, have also been met with disapproval. The Charge Jump allows players to leap across the map as if flying, while Teleport lets players dash forward at an incredible speed, similar to A-Train's ability. Though these powers align with the theme of The Boys, most players seem to find them intrusive and disruptive to the gameplay.

Despite the backlash, it's important to note that these superpowers tie in well with the concept of The Boys, where superheroes are allowed to go to war. However, players are not asking for their complete removal but instead suggest that they be confined to Limited Time Modes (LTM). This will allow players who prefer not to deal with unexpected enemies with laser vision or other superpowers to avoid such confrontations. As the crossover event continues, it remains to be seen how the developers will address these concerns.